Wednesday, September 28, 2022


Below is my GoFundMe campaign. Please consider sharing or donating. It'd be greatly appreciated.

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Tips for sleeping in your vehicle

Which is going to be challenging.
Shelter from the weather, lodging, kitchen and eating plus transportation. And it's all going to depend on what size vehicle you have. If you have a small car then you're going to have limited options and if you have a full truck then your options are going to be more limited unless you have an extended or crew cab. As for me I'm lucky I have a full size truck with extended cab and a toolbox in the back. Now of course if you have a van or an RV you'll have more room for more things.

I should just contacting your local social services try to get into a shelter of sorts. And you can also find churches that can help you with different things. Being in contact with social services can grant you EBT which in layman's terms food stamps and or cash. Then you may not have to sleep in your car whatsoever and you can go on from there. And every state is different so you'd have to call your local social services to find out more information.

 First thing I want to cover is organization.
As for many you already know things can get lost in your vehicle very easy. Staying organized will help keep everything in order and knowing where everything is when you need it. Plus it adds somewhat of a security. Meaning if your vehicle is well organized kept clean you won't bring a lot of unwanted attention to yourself.

 Next I want to cover location parking during the day and overnight sleeping. I would check your local laws because in some states it's illegal to sleep in your car. Other states they allow it and only at certain locations. Luckily were I'm staying we are allowed to sleep in our vehicle. I wouldn't stay the same location twice in the same week. Again that's going to bring unwanted tension your way. And you don't want to get in a pattern. Now as far as where I'm at you can probably park in a Walmart parking lot and sleep at night no questions asked. Local convenience stores that are open 24 hours you could stay long periods of Time. National forest or parks is another good option. And then you can also Google free campsites in my area to try to get more info on that.

 I want to suggest a good cooler. You want something that's going to hold ice for a long period of time. And you want to have quick meals on hand. Now for people that have a little bit of cash they have things on Amazon that could help you and a lot of different areas. Like you can get a cooler that plugs into a 12 volt cigarette lighter. They also have frying pans, K-Cup makers, crock pots and things to make hot water. As far as quick meals. Besides chips and junk food there's not too many ready to eat things unless you eat out of a can. Chef boyardee is good. They have pouched tuna fish and spam. And if you can find a way to boil water you can do instant. Instant rice, potatoes, mac and cheese, etc...
 I would also have a 12 volt power inverter. For things that you cannot plug into your 12 volt cigarette lighter. A good phone. If you do not have a phone and can get approved for EBT you can go to assurance wireless or a TracFone I think has one and there's a few other ones you'd have to Google it. But having a good phone you can listen to music, play games, do social media and  you can Google stuff and use Google maps.
 I would also recommend that no rise shower wipes. You want to stay clean and sometimes without water it's a little hard so...
An air freshener is always good to have.
Below are some useful links.

Assurance Wireless gives you free monthly minutes, data and texts plus a free Smartphone. 

 Some Ideas on Amazon

Cash app
