With your help I can get back on my feet after a long injury recovery. Sadly during this time I became homeless and lost most of everything. No worries I'm looking for work.
Here's a list that I could use JUST CLICK HERE!
With your help I can get back on my feet after a long injury recovery. Sadly during this time I became homeless and lost most of everything. No worries I'm looking for work.
Here's a list that I could use JUST CLICK HERE!
I've been living in an extended cab pickup truck for a couple months now. Even though it's been kind of rough I've been doing it. I'm working on getting myself situated with either a small RV or a slide in for my pickup truck. In the meantime here's some things that I could really use to help me along my journey.
You could also donate here
Customers with a valid SNAP EBT card can use their SNAP funds on Amazon. No Prime membership required. Customers can shop SNAP-eligible groceries from Amazon, Amazon Fresh, and Whole Foods Market. Plus, customers with a registered card get free access to Amazon Fresh and 50% off a Prime membership. Amazon accepts SNAP EBT in all states except Alaska.
Today, I need your help! My time at the shelter is coming to an end and I may have to sleep in my truck. I made a list of things I could use... Click Here Thank You!
Things needed Click Here
Beach needs Click Here
Winter camping Click Here
Spring is almost here and soon it'll be time for the beach. Thinking ahead I made a list for this upcoming beach time. Here's my list Click Here
Since I've got injured I've had a pain in my back. I've had shots and had the nerves burned. Been to a chiropractor. I'm still in pain. Now about to go and see about another set of nerve burning a series of shots. See where it goes from there. Since all that has happened I've lost my place to live and now reside in a homeless shelter. Luckily I still have a vehicle for now anyway, that's where you come in. So I spend a lot of time in my vehicle. Going to doctors trying to get other resources. With that being said I need a few things for my vehicle to make it more comfortable for me. And I'm asking you for your help. If you'd like to help me out you can get anything off my Amazon Wish list which is here
Or you can visit my website Click Here
Good chance that I might be getting an apartment soon. I should hear back from social security disability / SSI real soon.
If that is the case then I made a list for some essential Click Here
Trying to start a handyman service. Unfortunately I'm poor and homeless. That's where you come in. I need some tools. I made a Amazon Wish list
1. Van
Getting a van would take a lot of stress off of me. For one, it would give me shelter. Two, it will provide transportation. GoFundMe Campaign!
2. Gym
Getting a gym membership will allow me to strengthen my midsection, back and leg. Plus it would drive a place where I can shower and clean up. Cash App = *Ralcoast
3. Laptop
A laptop would allow me to pay bills, look up information, and provide entertainment. Amazon Wish List!