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3. Review music for money
If you love music, make it your business by reviewing unsigned bands and artists online for cash with
It can take a while to build up your reputation but some users of the site have said that they earn $25 a month. This may not sound like much, but if it's something you enjoy then it shouldn't be hard work. Money you earn will be in $US but anyone can sign up and review.
Creating a Structure for Your Music Review
If the song has one, you should look for how the intro leads you to the song. Is it leading in too fast? Is the introduction too long? Does it start of abruptly with no intro at all? These are things you can talk about.
Melody and Rhythm
How do you like the tune of the song? Is it cheerful or sad? Is it speedy or slow? Did you like the instruments used to create the melody? These are things you can describe to fill up the review. I will give you more details later below for some musical terms.
How is the singer’s vocals? Is it nasally or perhaps it is strong and distinct?
Instrumental and Digital Effects
Do you like the enhanced effects of the song if it has any? Do they include any digital tunes?
If You Do a Full Review – Consider the Following:
Structure of the Entire Song
How well did you think the song was organized? Was it all over the place with the chorus used in awkward parts of the song? These are things you could write about.
Performance and Potential of the Song
How was the overall performance? Do you think the song has a chance to make it big?
Overall Recording Quality
Sometimes, the song is good but they might have used a lousy recorder to record the song. You could also give some feedback. I occasionally get songs that just hurts my ears when I listen to it. This is usually due to poor recording.
Vocabulary to Use for the Music Review
“Here is a short vocabulary list that he recommends:
For melodies
Positive – tuneful, interesting, shapely (or well-shaped), strong, melodious, memorable, original,
Negative – plain, shapeless, tuneless, boring. too simple, overly complex, unoriginal
For vocals
Positive: – distinctive, rich, warm, expressive, feeling, strong, attractive, appealing, confident, conviction, heartfelt, clear, stylish, impressive, pitch range, dynamic, edgy, raw, powerful
Negative: – thin, weak, inconsistent, out of tune, pitch problems, expressionless, bland, self conscious
For lyrics
Positive – original, amusing, thought-provoking, inspiring, heart-warming, punchy, meaningful, clever, deep,
Negative – plain, uninspiring, weak, pretentious, cheesy, corny, cringeworthy, obscure, confusing, predictable, repetitive, offensive
For instrumental accompaniments
Positive: balanced, varied, full, rich, rhythmic, engaging, compelling, competent, smooth, accomplished, imaginative, creative, solid, original, exciting, powerful, driving, atmospheric, ethereal,
Negative: Weak, plain, safe, uninspired, lacking conviction, poor balance, untogether, over-sentimental, unvaried, lacking contrast. strident, harsh
For artists
Positive: talented, imaginative, professional, creative, accomplished, competent, skillful, careful, experienced, natural
Negative: unimaginative, predictable, careless, unprofessional, untogether, dated, awkward
These should help you come up with words when you are stuck on using the same vocabulary over and over.
Use positive words when giving good reviews and negative ones for not so good reviews.
8/10 Song
The song starts off with a rhythmic and engaging tone. I feel compelled to listen to it. The singer has a rather dynamic voice and it has a strong vocal projection. The song is not overly complex. The chorus is impressive, the pitch range varies, making it rich and engaging for me. The song definitely is professional and creative. I find it extremely good and the singer has talent.
3/10 Song
The song has a very futuristic feel to it. The intro feels like a story. The singer has a very unique voice. It kind of sounds off tune though. The musical instrumental play at 1:00 is decent. The change of pace in tempo is a little off. I was caught by surprise and it threw me off. She cannot really pull a high pitch. The melody of the song is what keeps the performance alright. I would not recommend this to my friends. The tempo of the song loses its tenacity, making me lose interest in the song. Perhaps she could practice more on her singing.
These are examples of some of my reviews. The amount of money you get will vary depending on your level. The base pay for Silver is 2 cents. Gold is 3 cents.
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SliceThePie, here you go: